Just like every other fitness pro, he started his career in the healthclubs - using typical weights and machines to train female clients. The results were good, but Joey knew that they could be much better.
After one year in the healthclub scene he decided to start on his own by giving personal training in people's homes.
He started doing research on the primairy types of muscle contractions done with body weight exercises, in a certain way in regards to movement tempo,order of exercises and how they were grouped together.
Based on his findings, he immediately created a laser targeted program that was completely focused on the most troublesome areas of the female body - the leggs,butt, hips, thighs and lower stomach.
The results were mind-boggling - Joey became the busiest trainer in town - and had a long waiting list of female clients. The changes that these women were experiencing were even surprising for Joey, because they were much better than anything he had seen in the gym.
According to Joey Atlas, the Women's trainer, there are 5 critical facts you must know, if you want to turn your lower body into a firm and sexy work of art with a few simple exercises.
1. The several hundred muscles in your legs,butt, hip, thigh and lower stomach have to be exercised correctly and in harmony with each other in order to give you definite results, without the use of weights and machines. Three types of muscle contractions combined are the magic behind Joey's method.
2. Regardless of your lower body goals, the "right combination" of exercise variables will give you better results and in a shorter period of time.
3. Age, genetics and body type have much less impact on how your body looks and feels, than you may have been to believe by traditional media, your family and friends or your doctor. Your body is quite adaptable when treated properly "with the right program".
4. You can't improve or enhance your leg, butt, hip, thigh or tummy areas with cellulite creams,lotions, wrap treatments, diet / fat burning pills, butt enhancement supplements or any other money wasting scam that sounds to good to be true.
5. You'll make remarkable improvements in your worst trouble spots and most stubburn problem areas if you do simple yet carefully structured body weight exercises,which combine all three types of muscle movements: Concentric, Eccentric and Isometric. This is a crucial factor for women that can't be addressed with typical weights and machine type exercise programs.
So, there is no other progam on the market that combines all three types of muscle contractions into one method. Infomercials have a literal monopoly or exercise gadgets that target specific areas of the body, for the male or female gender. The main problem however is that the vast majority type of most ,simply don't deliver on promised results.
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